Created for health professionals, this video class ( 5+ hours and 75 pages of notes) offers Ayurveda and midwifery perspectives on the menstrual process and how to support it. Optional Certificate of Completion available with written exam. If you want a less intensive and technical class on Menstrual Health try: Menstrual and Fertility Health with Ayurveda or on Menstrual Cramps try: Getting to the Roots of Your Menstrual Cramps . You can also schedule a private consultation with Terra Rafael .
- the displaced uterus
- keys to menstrual health
- self-care between and during the menstrual period
If you are new to Ayurveda, at least take the class Beginning Ayurveda before this one.
The section on treatment of menstrual disorders with Ayurveda shares foods, habits, and herbs to avoid or use for specific disorders. Covers:
- How menstrual disorders effect genital organs
- Amenorrhea and case study
- PCOS and case study
- Dysmenorrhea
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with case study
- Fibroids/Ovarian Cysts with case study
- Endometriosis and Adenomyosis with cases
- Premenstrual syndrome/Hormonal Mood Swings with cases
Class Includes:
Notes for Optimal Menstrual Health & Treating Menstrual Disorders with Ayurveda (PDF)
Video 1 – Menstrual Health – Female Anatomy Review Development of sexual organs; changes during menstrual cycles; the broad ligament; uterine layers; muscular layers of uterus; relationships of internal organs; lymph, nervous system ( 5 min:40sec)Video 2 – Menstrual Health – Female Cycles Review Usual cycle; normal cycle length variations; many interacting female cycles- hormonal endometrial; ovarian; cervical; uterine position; estrogen functions; progesterone functions; Interplay of hormones before and after ovulation; development of ovum; actual ovulation photos; long-term egg quality formation; endometrial cycle with ovarian cycles; cervical mucus cycle; photos of women’s cervices throughout the monthly cycle; Uterine movements due to hormonal changes; How cycles coordinate over time. (11min:33 sec)
Video 3 – Menstrual Health – According to Ayurveda Doshas, tissues, channels: Doshas and the reproductive; Tissues; Shukravaha srotas / Artavavaha srotas; Determining Healthy Artava/Female Shukra; Causes of Vitiation; Factors for A healthy womb and ovaries ; The yoni; yoni mudra practice; herbal sitz bath practice; marma points (42 min:50 sec Video 4 – Dysfunctional Positioning of the Uterus Symptoms, causes, variations, a vata problem – can push into congestion (K) or inflammation (P) as well (34 min) Video 5 – Terra’s Keys to Menstrual Health Includes Honoring Menstrual Cycles with Song (13 Min Video 6 – Self Care Recommendations Self Care Recommendations For Between Moon Times ; Self Care Recommendations During Moon Times; (13:11 min ) |
Video 7 – Treating Menstrual Problems with Ayurveda (2 hrs: 52 min)
Video 8 – Treating Menstrual Problems – Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (16 min )
Video 9 – Treating Menstrual Problems – PreMenstrual Syndrome (25 min )
Optional exam for a Certificate of Completion
How to Receive a Certificate of Completion
Optimal Menstrual Health with Ayurveda Class
- Read the notes and View the Video Classes
- Take the Written Exam and email it to Terra Rafael at wisewomanhood@gmail.com , including your name and email address
- Terra will review your exam, make comments, and, if you have demonstrated your understanding in the exam, email you a Certificate of Completion which you can apply to Continuing Education Credits, such as NAMA PACE.
You may also want mentoring with Terra to discuss questions or your individual client cases.